Final Outcome

Over the past 3 months, in our studio class, we were researching on a topic that we were interested one. My topic got tweaked a lot. From trying to learn about how color affects people's emotions to how different habitats affect their mood, I ended up making my final project about how black and white color and lines in Optical art give rise to sensations. though one common part that I stuck to was how these things in interior spaces affect people. Therefore, I made this room inspired by a combination of Bridget Riley and Yayoi Kasuma's works.
Through this piece, I wanted to show how artwork transformed into a small room can lead to the rise in a dizzying sensation. I used a painting from Bridget Riley who is a famous Op artist from the sixties.

I tried to recreate this image and tried stretching and expanding it to create panels for a room. The pixels that came on the panels while printing them on large 82 by 40 inches added to the dizzying effect of the entire purpose. It also added a modern touch I was trying to bring in.  With technology like pixels today, we see how art is changing and ever evolving to bring about the same effect. What once took months to paint now can be easily printed and gives almost the same effect. This shows how technology and mass production has taken overhand paintings in every field from the fashion industry to retail and commercial spaces.
Even though this is what I learned from research on the topic of Optical art, I just wanted to show how simple art in the form of panels can bring about a sensation in people. I wanted to show the power of how just a simple art can make a design that can bring about different types of emotions.
Below is the process of making the room:

I later stuck them on cardboard pieces to create a box that was open one side.

The other side of the room was supposed to be a door that was supposed to be pulled would be the fourth side of the room. This would create a room that would shut properly. Unfortunately, the room that I was supposed to use to place this installation was shut down due to the fire in our school building. I eventually had to use plan B and use the doors that were available in the other building. This was much smaller and pushed outwards and so I couldn't attach it completely. However, the project worked out in the end.

Plan A
Plan B

I also added an infinity mirror pentagon with the same pattern and so when one puts their head in it they feel disoriented and dizzy not just because of the pattern but also because of their body position. This shows how art makes us do certain things.

Making the pentagon with mirrors:

This was then placed in the room and people could walk in and insert their head in it.The final images are seen below

I later realized that the plexiglass top for the Pentagon wasn't needed and that I should have kept it on top of a stool to make it more accsible for people to put their neck in it.


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